Friday, January 22, 2010

Message From A Friend

Dear Gary,

Above all, you are an incredibly talented word-artist, a skill I envy. I find it intriguing that you recognize that your perhaps self-imposed solitude gives birth to your originality, your beauty and your poetry, as well as the birth of the opposite (indeed, can anything exist without creating it's own void?). Yet you only allow yourself the singular option of loneliness at a social level, knowing an alternative at least exists. I fight much the same battles, I realize, but perhaps not as intensely as you do. By creating my loneliness I'm both reinforcing it perpetually, and thereby reinforcing its own void, that of social contact. Why are you comfortable wearing one skin, but not the other?

Social contact, in spite of advertiser's hookum, does not mean sexual intercourse, not even intimacy. A handshake and a coffee is worthy of the investment.


(So much for the critics of my writing! You know who your are.)

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