Saturday, July 24, 2010

U.S. Marshal Service -- Is This Legal?

The U.S. Marshal Service needs to investigate the author of the following article.  The author is fomenting opposition to a fully adjudicated matter, and may have crossed a free speech boundary by the act of inciting anger.  The article may constitute unprotected speech.

The author of the article writes: "Express your anger toward the U.S. Supreme Court decision by using your First Amendment rights. Start by writing letters to local, regional, and national newspapers."

Those are fighting words!  Chaplinsky v. State of New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568 (1942).

Express your anger towards the Court?  The author of this article poses a clear and present danger to the health and safety of all nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.  This is appalling.  The article contains the clear and unambiguous incitement of anger.  How is this legal?

1 comment:

My Daily Struggles said...

I was accused by the U.S. Marshal of being "angry" and writing "an angry blog."

Anger is a mental state. Anger is not a law enforcement issue in itself--mental states in themselves are not a law enforcement issue.

Violence is a behavior. Behavior is a law enforcement issue. Threats of violence are a law enforcement issue.

"Anger" is an accusation that you use to intimidate a person into believing he has done something wrong when you have nothing else to accuse him of. "Intimidation" is something you do to a person who has written statements that are an embarrassment to somebody -- an influential somebody who might say, "Lanny, I need you to do me a solid-- . . ."