Tuesday, October 05, 2010

"Vernon Jordan Has a Connection to Your College Roommate? Surely You're Joking, Mr. Freedman!"

I attended the Pennsylvania State University, where I earned a degree in journalism in May 1975.  In my third year (fall 1973) I roomed in Packer Hall with an accounting major named Bob Brennan.  Mr. Brennan had a friend named Mitch Oppenheim, who graduated Penn State in May 1975.  Mr. Oppenheim was on the school's diving team.  He liked the "Fräuleins."

Mr. Oppenheim has worked for many years as a film editor for the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric (and its predecessor news shows).

Vernon Jordan has connections to CBS News.

And, no, I am not joking.  Vernon Jordan is connected to my college roommate.  But then, Vernon Jordan is connected to everybody!