Thursday, September 16, 2010

Double the Damages? Ha!

Seinfeld.  From the Episode The Visa.  

Ping is making a delivery of Chinese food.

Ping: Cheryl call me last night, lawsuit back on.

Elaine: Why?

Ping: She call you and your friends big liars. You think she nice girl? Wait till you see her in court. She's a shark! They call her the Terminator. She never lose a case. Now you make her mad. She double the damages. Hasta la vista, baby.

Ping exits.

1 comment:

My Daily Struggles said...

Until Freedman v. D.C. Dept. human Rights I never lost a case. When I was a law clerk at Sagot & Jennings I won on every brief, motion, etc. I ever wrote. Ask Ritner, Shainberg, Durst, Einhorn.

Listen, people, I have a professional record to vindicate.