Saturday, April 06, 2013

email Message to Judge Richard B. Klein -- Temple Law School Instructor

Dear Judge Klein:

I was a student in your course "Introduction to Trial Advocacy" at Temple Law School in the spring of 1981.

It appears that I am committing a major financial fraud, a felony, against the Government of the United States.  My crime might be termed the "perfect crime."  Perhaps it is unusual that a judge ever comes across the perfect crime or perfect felony, but this may be such a case.  Feel free to contact federal authorities about this communication.


Gary Freedman
Washington, DC
J.D., Temple University Law School, 1982
PA ATTY ID 41032

Darrell Valdez, Esq.
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Washington, D

Dear Mr. Valdez:

Attached is my monthly criminal fraud certification for March 2013.  It appears that I am continuing to commit a major financial fraud, a felony, against the Government of the United State
s.  There is circumstantial evidence that I have used The George Washington University to help me defraud the government of the United States of hundreds of thousands of dollars in Social Security Disability and Medicare benefits as well as the Government of the District of Columbia of DC Medicaid Benefits.

I was employed as a paralegal at the law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld from 1988 to October 29, 1991, on which date my employment was terminated.  To avoid the legal consequences of an unlawful termination, several Akin Gump management partners conspired to defame me, enabling me to defraud the U.S. Social Security Administration of hundreds of thousands of dollars in disability benefits on the grounds that I suffered from disabling mental illness that might be associated with a risk of violence.

U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder is fully familiar with my case and may have useful information about me to share with federal authorities.

Gary Freedman
Washington, DC

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