August 14, 1995
3801 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008
Philip C. Leadroot
Special Agent
U.S. Secret Service
Washington Field Office
1050 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20036
Dear Mr. Leadroot:
The enclosed computer disc contains the three most recent letters to my psychiatrist, Dr. Georgopoulos.
The letters dated July 26, 1995 and August 8, 1995 may provide important linguistic clues regarding my perceptions and reactions to linguistic phenomena.
The letter dated August 10, 1995 is a dream analysis; it may provide clues as to my psychological preoccupation with political figures and the possible risk of violence that I may pose to political figures, including President Clinton.
Keep in mind that these are the writings of a raving psychotic who is "incapacitated" (Dr. Georgopoulos), a "psychological cripple" (Dr. Wiener), with a poor psychological coping mechanism (Dr. Fabian), who might commit suicide (Dr. Fabian) or an act of violence at any time (Laurence J. Hoffman, Esq. and Dennis M. Race, and might even be plotting an act of mass murder (Christine Robertson and Stacey Schaar).
It may be a matter of concern to the U.S. Secret Service that the George Washington University Medical Center has yet to prepare a simple written statement that I do not pose a risk of violence. Do they know something about me that precludes preparing a written assurance?
You may, at your discretion, submit the enclosed documents, or any documents in your possession, to any psychiatric consultants or behavioral scientists of your choosing. Might I suggest Raymond Patterson, M.D., who performed a psychiatric evaluation of Francisco Martin Duran for the U.S. Attorney's Office.
Gary Freedman
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