Friday, March 23, 2012

GW Psychiatric Treatment: Letter to University Trustee 6/3/95

June 3, 1995
3801 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC  20008-4530

Harold F. Baker, Esq.
Partner, Howrey & Simon
Trustee, George Washington University
1299 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC  20004

RE: Letter dated May 22, 1995

Dear Mr. Baker:

Enclosed for your information is the response of Jerry M. Wiener, M.D. to my letter to him dated May 22, 1995, a copy of which I had forwarded to you under cover letter of the same date.

I would like to state for the record:

1.  My current treating psychiatrist at the George Washington University Medical Center Department of Psychiatry is a supervised resident.

2.  One of the issues I raised in my letter dated May 22, 1995 concerned inconsistent determinations regarding the issue of my employability made, respectively, by my current treating psychiatrist (a supervised resident) and one of the Department's clinical professors who had seen me, on October 2, 1992, in a consultation arranged by the Department headed by Dr. Wiener.


Gary Freedman

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