Monday, March 05, 2012


The following is a humor piece I wrote in about early 1996.

CBS Interview: Bob Shieffer – Secretary of State Christopher

Christopher: Well, it looks like the Communists may make a comeback in Russia.

BS: How could it happen? How can that be?

Christopher: Oh, it be.

BS: Well, who was the Ambassador during the transition?

Christopher: Strauss.

BS: Wasn't he the DNC treasurer during the McGovern campaign?

Christopher: Yes siree, Bob.

BS: Isn't he the guy who told Frank Lorenzo that his firm would save Eastern Airlines?

Christopher: Yes siree, Bob.

BS: Isn't he the guy who arranged the sell-off of American Assets to the Japanese?

Christopher: Yes, siree, Bob.

BS: Isn't he the guy who spent all his political capital on Bush in '92?

Christopher: Yes siree, Bob.

BS: Isn't Strauss the person who prevailed over every other one of Bob Dole's advisers and urged Dole to quit the Senate, when everybody knows Dole doesn't have any chance in Hell of becoming President?

Christopher: It be the same Strauss, Bob.

BS: Isn't he . . .

Christopher: You mean the videotape? Yes siree, Bob.

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