Thursday, February 09, 2012

Akin Gump: Denial of Private Disability Insurance

U.S. Department of Labor
Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration
Washington, D.C.  20210

May 28, 1993

Dear Mr. Freedman:

This is in response to your most recent letter in which you have once again sought assistance from the Department of Labor.

This office informs plan participants of their rights under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and provides general information about how the law may apply to their circumstances.  ERISA does not create a right to governmental assistance but rather provides plan participants with a right to seek judicial redress of violations of law and/or plan provisions,.  Accordingly, we wish to refer you to section 502(a) of ERISA, which gives you the right to bring a civil action against the Fund/Plan.

A review of your correspondence file shows that we have responded to your previous inquiries by providing you with information on your rights under ERISA.  This office cannot furnish you with any additional assistance.  You may wish to consult with an attorney or legal aid organization if you wish to pursue this matter.


Elsie Stephens for

Richard Small
Chief, Division of Technical
  Assistance & Inquiries

1 comment:

  1. Wow how frustrating! My advice is it never hurts to do a little research on the appeal process, then talk to an attorney if you think it may be worth appealing your claim. is a great resource for neutral information on the benefits. I hope this helps!
