Monday, December 19, 2011

Letter Response from U.S. Circuit Court Judge

United States Court of Appeals
District of Columbia Circuit
333 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20001

James L. Buckley
Senior Judge

(202) 216-7110

December 18, 1998

Mr. Gary Freedman
3801 Connecticut Ave., NW #136
Washington, DC  20008-4530

Washington, DC  20008-4530

Dear Mr. Freedman:

This will acknowledge your expression of interest in a clerkship.  I regret to advise that I have selected my clerk for the 1999-2000 court term but wish to thank you for your interest.


James L. Buckley

My letter to Judge Buckley:

1 comment:

  1. And the USMS claims it was concerned about a Wikipedia article? Give me a break!
