Monday, December 19, 2011

APA Complaint -- William D. Brown, Ph.D. -- Final Disposition of Case

American Psychological Association

September 23, 1993



Gary Freedman
3801 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC  20008

Dear Mr. Freedman:

I have now had the opportunity to carefully evaluate your complaint against Dr. William D. Brown of Washington, DC.  Your complaint has been evaluated independently by the Chair of the APA Ethics Committee and by me.  On the basis of a review of all of the information related to this matter, we have decided not to open this matter up as a formal ethics case and to close it under the provisions of Part V, Section 5.4 of the 1992 Rules and Procedures.

While I am sure that this comes as a disappointment to you, I hope that you can understand that we took your complaint seriously and made the decision that seemed most fair in light of all the materials received.

Thank you for your cooperation during this investigation.


Betsy Ranslow, M.S.
Director of Investigations
Office of Ethics

Enclosure: 1992 Rules and Procedures

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