Thursday, October 13, 2011

What Did Eric Holder Know and When Did He Know It? Inflammatory Letter to U.S. Attorney

January 27, 1996
3801 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC  20008-4530

Eric H. Holder, Jr.
U.S. Attorney for the District
  of Columbia
555 4th Street, NW
Judiciary Center Building
Washington, DC  20001

RE:  Freedman v. D.C. Dept. Human Rights
        D.C. Superior Court No. 0014 M.P.A.

Dear Mr. Holder:

Enclosed for the information of the Office of U.S. Attorney is the scheduling order entered by the Court in the above-referenced matter on January 26, 1996.

I believe it is appropriate that the Office of D.C. Corporation Counsel consider not defending this matter, and I enclose copies of correspondence pertinent to this request.

Apparently, the Government of the District of Columbia wants to insure that I retain a right to commit an act of violence--including homicide or the assassination of a high federal official--secure in the knowledge that the Office of Corporation Counsel will serve as a material witness in support of my insanity defense.  This is an indescribable outrage and an affront to the judicial system.


Gary Freedman


  1. Eric Holder and D.C. Corporation Counsel Charles Ruff were both partners at Covington & Burling at different periods; the AG was a colleague of the Superior Court judge in the cited case in the early 1990s; the AG was a law partner of the judge's husband in the period 2001-2009; both the AG and the Superior Court judge are proteges of Eleanor Holmes Norton.

  2. I appeared in open court in D.C. Superior Court on Friday January 26, 1996 at which time the judge issued the cited scheduling order from the bench. That was the only time I have ever seen the judge, and I so advised the USMS.

  3. I have no record of the enclosures I transmitted with the posted letter.

  4. Eric Holder is also a personal friend of Vernon Jordan, executive partner at Akin Gump as of 1996.
