Friday, June 03, 2011

Letter to D.C. Medical Board -- August 23, 1993

August 23, 1993
3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20008

Warren Strudwick, M.D.
District of Columbia Board
  of Medicine
605 G Street, NW
Washington, DC  20001

Dear Dr. Strudwick:

Further to my letter to you dated August 20, 1993, I would like to offer the following additional facts:

1.  On August 20, 1993 I received a notice of award from the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) advising that my claim for disability benefits had been approved.  The SSA determined that I have been continuously disabled since October 29, 1991, the day on which I was terminated by my former  employer on the basis of evidence fabricated by Akin Gump managers that I was disabled.

The SSA's disability determination was made in part on the basis of a psychiatric consultation I had with Dr. Paul G. Yessler (tel.: no.: 202 667-3505) on June 12, 1993.  Dr. Yessler is a psychiatrist in private practice and consultant for the SSA.  Dr. Yessler is also an associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the George Washington University Medical Center.

2.  On October 2, 1992 I had a one-hour consultation with Dr. Stanley R. Palombo (tel. no.: 202 362 6004), arranged by the George Washington University Medical Center in connection with an evaluation by that institution.  At the conclusion of that consultation, Dr. Palombo expressly stated: "I believe you are employable."  Dr. Palombo is an associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the George Washington University Medical Center.  According to the SSA I was unemployable on October 2, 1992.


Gary Freedman

1 comment:

  1. January 22, 1996
    3801 Connecticut Ave., NW
    Washington, DC 20008-4530

    D. Georgopoulos, M.D.
    Dept. Psychiatry
    George Washington University
    Medical Center
    2150 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
    Washington, DC 20037

    Dear Dr. Georgopoulos:

    The purpose of this communication is to advise you of the current status of that portion of my belief system that has been termed paranoid by various mental health professionals at GW.

    I continue to believe that I am at the center of a large communications network controlled by attorneys associated with the law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, and that confidential mental health information has, since the inception of my therapy at GW in September 1992, been routinely transmitted to these attorneys, including Vernon Jordan, Esq., a close friend of President Clinton, and Robert S. Strauss, Esq., former U.S. Ambassador to Russia.

    * * * *

    My situation is desperate. On Friday October 2, 1992 I met with a previous treating psychiatrist, Stanley R. Palombo, M.D. Dr. Palombo advised me at that time that I was fully employable, without restriction. By GW's own admission I am now "incapacitated," a "psychological cripple." I continue to believe that I was subjected to a severe, pervasive, and degrading pattern of harassment at my former place of employment, the law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld. According to Dr. Pitts, this belief was the product of a psychotic mental disorder. It is as if I have been destroyed, a victim of a psychological homicide.


    Gary Freedman
