Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hogan & Hartson: Recollections of a Law Clerk

In mid-September 1985 I worked as an agency-supplied paralegal at the Washington, D.C. office of the law firm of Hogan & Hartson.  I was assigned to office space on the firm's second floor.

There was a law clerk at Hogan whose office was located on the second floor.  He left the firm in about late 1985 or early 1986 to make his way in the wider world.

In the summer of 1986 I was assigned to a private office on the firm's second floor.  I assumed that it was the office that had been occupied by the law clerk.  The individual had left behind a yellow legal pad with notes, a Dictaphone tape, and a calendar for the year 1985.  The calendar had no appointments listed.  There was one notation: a reminder about Hogan's Christmas party scheduled at the Mayflower Hotel.  I thought, "Only a law clerk would have an appointment calendar with no appointments listed, and a notation to attend the firm's Christmas party!"

I wonder what ever happened to that guy.

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