Wednesday, November 03, 2010

What Did DOJ Criminal Chief Lanny Breuer Know and When Did He Know It?

I sent a job application to Covington & Burling in 1992 for a paralegal position. Mr. Dolin replied to my inquiry. This is a followup letter.

The copyee Lanny A. Breuer, Esq., who worked at the Clinton White House in 1997, had been a Covington & Burling partner.  Mr. Breuer currently serves as chief of the criminal division of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Incidentally, current U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., Esq. practiced law at the firm from the years 2001 to 2009. Other partners have included Charles F.C. Ruff, Esq. (now deceased) who also served as D.C. Corporation Counsel in the 1990s; and Eugene Lambert, Esq., a trustee of the George Washington University where I underwent psychiatric treatment in the 1990s.

October 20, 1997
3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008-4530

Mitchell F. Dolin, Esq.
Covington & Burling
1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20044-7566

RE: Covington & Burling Employment Inquiry - Homicide/Violence Risk

Dear Mr. Dolin:

The enclosed documentation is submitted further to my letter to you dated December 9, 1996.

I am writing to assure the law firm of Covington & Burling that at the time of my employment inquiry in the year 1992, to which you responded by letter dated July 22, 1992 (copy attached), I did not intentionally withhold any facts pertinent to my current mental illness: an apparently rare form of paranoid schizophrenia--a debilitating psychotic disorder--that causes me to become more intelligent even as the illness worsens in severity, and which cannot be detected on comprehensive psychological testing as performed by a major medical center.

As a courtesy to Covington & Burling I forward (on the enclosed computer disc) two pleadings that I filed in the D.C. Court of Appeals, in a currently pending appeal, that will satisfy any questions you or your partners may have concerning the risk of violence (including homicide) to which I unintentionally subjected your firm. The disc also contains a document pertinent to a criminal investigation instituted by the Federal Protective Service (Jerry McGill, S.A.), ancillary to concerns, affirmed as genuine by the Government of the District of Columbia (Charles F.C. Ruff, Esq., Corporation Counsel) relating to a reported risk of violence (including homicide) that I posed at the law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, my former employer.

For your additional information, I enclose a collection of letters that, hopefully, will clarify this matter for Covington & Burling.

Supervisory Special Agent David M. Bowie, FBI Washington Field Office, is familiar with this matter. Mr. Bowie may be reached at (202) 252 7801.


Gary Freedman

cc: Lanny A. Breuer, Esq. (The White House)

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