Monday, November 08, 2010

Joan Nathan in Cherry Hill, New Jersey!

  • Signing books and making kugel in Cherry Hill, NJ. It all feels so natural...
    5 hours ago via HootSuite ·  · 

    • You and Deb Gaudet like this.

      • Deb Gaudet Now that you are on facebook, I have the 
        opportunity to tell you that I have owned your cookbook 
        The Jewish Holiday Kitchen for forever. I even bought my 
        mom one many years ago. I love your interviews, your 
        insight, and the recipes are fabulous. I admire you and 
        your committment. Thank you so much for sharing your 
        heart through food and tradition.
        about an hour ago · 

      • Gary Freedman My sister lives in Cherry Hill! I love Cherry Hill.
        a few seconds ago · 

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