Saturday, September 18, 2010

Penn State: Joel N. Myers, Meteorologist

Joel N. Myers, Ph.D. is a professor of meteorology at The Pennsylvania State University, where I earned a B.A. in journalism in May 1975. Joel Myers is the founder and president of Accu-Weather.

I took an introductory course in meteorology taught by Dr. Myers in the fall of 1973.  I remember the first day of class Dr. Myers said: "I know you all signed up for this course because you thought it would be an easy A.  Well, I'm not going to disappoint you."  I got an A, but I worked for it.  I've always had an interest in weather.  If I hadn't become a professional paranoid schizophrenic, I might have become a meteorologist.  As a schizophrenic I have delusions about the present; as a meteorologist I would have had to have delusions about the future.  Professional schizophrenia and meteorology are not all that unrelated, after all.

Dr. Myers' father, Herb Myers, was a friend of my uncle, Lewis Freedman (who was the grandfather of Bruce P. Lapenson).

Our friends must have talked to Joel Myers.

I wonder if Joel Myers knows Hurricane Schwartz, a Philadelphia meteorologist.  Glenn "Hurricane" Schwartz, like Dr. Myers and I, graduated from The Central High School of Philadelphia and Penn State.


  1. Incidentally, I wrote the Wikipedia article about Bruce Lapenson.

  2. Earl Segal, the lawyer in charge of the paralegals at Akin Gump when I worked there, is a 1969 graduate of Penn State.
