Thursday, August 05, 2010

Lawrence C. Sack, M.D. -- In Memoriam

Lawrence C. Sack, M.D. died on August 5, 2003 (Av 7, 5763), seven years ago.

Dr. Sack was a former President of the Washington Psychiatric Society and one of the outstanding psychiatrists/psychoanalysts in the region.  He was a graduate of the Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Sack's son, Robert Sack, M.D. is also a psychiatrist.  Sally Amdur Sack, Dr. Sack's widow, is active in the field of Jewish genealogy.


  1. I disagree with Mrs. Sack who said that the most important events in Jewish history in the last 100 years is Jewish migration and the Holocaust. What about the creation of Israel?

    Or is she talking about events important to Jewish genealogy?

  2. Also what about the vast movement away from Orthodoxy and intermarriage? That has an important effect on Jewish genealogy, no? (Or it will in the future.)

  3. I saw Dr. Sack three times in May 1991. The first consult was May 13, 1991 -- the anniversary of Sigmund Freud's circumcision.

    Dr. Sack was talking to our friends. I had a problem with that.

  4. Dr. Sack was 69 when he died, the same age as my father when he died.
