My Medicaid claim in 1999 was denied. I am currently in the Medicaid QMB (Qualified Medicare Beneficiary) program, a state program that pays Medicare monthly premiums as well as Medicare copayments and deductibles. Between Medicare and Medicaid, all of my medical costs are fully covered. Being a ward of the state provides a comfortable life. Message for the U.S. Marshal: given a choice between living in well-paid retirement on racketeering proceeds and having to go to work every day, I would choose the former. Who would be angry about being able to retire at age 37? Get real!
TO: Albert H. Taub, M.D.
FROM: Gary Freedman
DATE: July 16, 1999
RE: Appointment
My next scheduled appointment with you was to be on Thursday July 22, 1999. I would like to cancel that appointment.
I am scheduled to see the state-federal coordinator (Ms. Eskew) at Spring Road on that date, to sign up for Medicaid. She is there only one day per week between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM, and I would like to get that done as soon as possible.
Please contact me to arrange another appointment. My telephone numbers are --
home: (202) 362-7064 (late afternoon is best time to call).
messages: (202) 363-3800.
My last appointment with you was less than a month ago, on June 24, 1999 -- so pushing the appointment back will not get us off schedule.
Lanny, you are the greatest!