Wednesday, November 03, 2010

What Did Eric Holder Know and When Did He Know It? U.S. Secret Service -- Letter 7/25/98

July 25, 1998
3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008-4530

Phillip S. Leadroot, S.A.
U.S. Secret Service
Washington, DC 20036

Dear Mr. Leadroot:

This will advise the U.S. Secret Service that a tenant in my apartment building, a middle-aged woman named "Marsha" (last name unknown) is employed as a paralegal at a DC law firm. I believe, but am not absolutely sure, that she works at Steptoe and Johnson, which is located at 1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW.

She appears to be a rather sociable person who talks to a lot of people, including front desk manager Elizabeth Joyce: she gives the appearance of a person who is "in the know." She may have information of value to federal law enforcement. Her D.C. auto license no. is "705 137."

Coincidentally, Reid H. Weingarten, Esq. is a partner at Steptoe and Johnson (telephone no. 202 429 6238). Weingarten has represented high-level persons in the Clinton Administration, including former Commerce Secretary Ron Brown (now deceased) and former Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy. Weingarten also happens to be a close personal friend of Deputy Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. A magazine article about Weingarten reported that Holder's wife, Sharon, thinks that Weingarten is "sexy." The article also mentioned Weingarten's professional links with Robert S. Strauss, Esq.

About two weeks ago, during one of my afternoon walks in downtown Washington, I happened to see Weingarten and another person chatting with John Dowd, an Akin Gump partner who specializes in criminal law. This was on 19th Street, about a block south of Akin Gump's office, which is just around the corner from Weingarten's office on Connecticut Avenue.

During my tenure at Akin Gump, John Dowd's office (room 938: secretary, Dawn Frohlich) was on the same floor as that of Vernon Jordan's lawyer, William G. Hundley (room 901: secretary, Mary Battle). During the period late October 1989 to early April 1991 I worked on the ninth floor also. These persons may have knowledge of my occasional violent outbursts and "extremely disruptive" behavior, which according to Dennis Race was known to my direct supervisor, Robertson, as of March 1990. Incidentally, the office of Michael J. Madigan, Esq. (room 913: secretary, Rose Marie De Stefano), chief majority (Republican) counsel for the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee was also located on the ninth floor.

Also enclosed is a letter (plus attachment) that I recently forwarded to the D.C. Corporation Counsel's office: the letter elaborates issues that I have recently brought to your attention.

In view of what happened on Friday July 24, 1998 at the U.S. Capitol, federal law enforcement obviously needs to be ever-vigilant: no stone should be left unturned in preserving the security of the nation's capital. You need to get out there and talk to these people.


Gary Freedman

The letter refers to the "Capitol Hill Shooter," Russell Weston.  "Marsha" is "Marsha Mailey" who still resides at 3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC.  Marsha Mailey appeared to be friendly with former 3801 Connecticut Avenue Front Desk Manager Elizabeth Joyce who retired in 2003.

Marcia Mailey is listed as a legal secretary in the following protective order:


  1. Marsha Mailey is a legal secretary at Steptoe & Johnson, Reid Weingarten's law firm. She still resides in my apt building as of July 2011.

  2. On Thursday evening August 6, 1998 the U.S. Capitol Police and the U.S. Secret Service showed up at my apartment. A miscommunication about a letter I wrote that mentioned the Capitol Hill shooter caused law enforcement to believe I might be a copy cat.

    Apparently, one hand does not know what the other hand is doing at the U.S. Secret Service. The present post indicates that S.A. Leadroot was not concerned at all with my reference to the Capitol Hill shooter as of July 25, 1998.
