Thursday, April 08, 2010

Federal Protective Service -- Letter 2/19/98

February 19, 1998
3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008-4530

Jerry McGill, S.A.
Federal Protective Service
Criminal Investigations Section
Southeast Federal Center
Building 74
3rd and M Streets, S.E.
Washington, DC 20407
Tel: (202) 690-9315

Dear Mr. McGill:

I am sending along a copy of a letter dated February 12, 1998 that I received from Paul David Wellstone, U.S. Senator from Minnesota. The letter responds to a letter that I had sent to the Senator that related details regarding concerns that I had been determined to be armed and homicidal.

Senator Wellstone's letter is cordial and sympathetic. It is also interesting to note that he says that he welcomes further communication from me, despite the fact that he is not my representative in Congress.

What I am curious about is the fact that of all the people to whom I sent letters that referred to the possibility that I might be armed and homicidal, only one person--Lynn Schlitt at the U.S. International Trade Commission--stuck the federal police on me. You would think that I was some maniac who had put the kibosh on her.

Am I just being paranoid, or is there something suspect about Lynn Schlitt's response?


Gary Freedman


United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510-2303

February 12, 1998
Gary Freedman
3801 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20008-4530

Dear Mr. Freedman:

I recently received your letter regarding the problems you have experienced with mental illness and employment. Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your situation with me.

Please know that I empathize with your frustration. Please don't hesitate to contact me in the future about any issue of concern to you.



Paul David Wellstone
United States Senator


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