Thursday, March 25, 2010

Social Security Document Submission: June 1993

Page 124 of Social Security Document Submission

Dear Stell,

1. Police line up.

2. Musical “A Chorus Line.”

1. Efraim Zimbalist, Jr.: Actor who portrayed FBI agent.

2. Efraim Zimbalist, Sr.: World-class violinist and head of Curtis Institute of Music.

[The examples are offered as polar opposites.]

Pages 125-126 of Social Security Document Submission

Dear Stell,

Please check out the last paragraph. Another overvalued idea whose time has come.


[The following is a page from my writing: "The Caliban Complex: An Attempt at Self-Analysis."]

ego strength characteristic of the creative. Eissler writes: “The [average] person needs a dissolution of the Oedipus conflict, or at least a substantial reduction in its intensity, in order to survive; whereas, . . . the [creative person] is not only strong enough to endure the stress of the severest conflicts, but actually needs intense conflicts as a vis a tergo in order to be incited over and over again to renewed accomplishments.” Eissler, K.R. Talent and Genius: The Fictitious Case of Tausk Contra Freud, at 289 (Quadrangle Books: 1971).

Indeed, the persistence of even a vigorous Oedipus complex in the unconscious may not necessarily vitiate, or preclude the development, of an equally vigorous father identification. The dramatic tensions in Wagner’s opera, Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg, which owe their syncretic strength in part to an integration of the temporally-opposed psychic forces of Oedipal conflict and father identification suggest the unconscious psychological concerns of the opera’s creator. One can infer, based on analysis of the opera, that in Wagner’s unconscious an intense Oedipal conflict raged against an equally intense father identification. Three of the central male characters, Walther von Stolzing, Sixtus Beckmesser, and Hans Sachs are each in love with Eva Pogner, while Walther and Beckmesser vie for her hand in marriage. The characters’ relations fall into two triangles, one comprising Walther-Beckmesser-Eva, and the other comprising Walther-Sachs-Eva. The relationship between Walther (symbolic son) and Beckmesser (symbolic father) is characterized by bitter rivalry and antagonism. Sachs, on the other hand, acts as a benign and benevolent mentor with whom Walther identifies. The two dramatic characters, Sachs and Beckmesser, are, in a psychoanalytical sense, simply two separate images of a single figure -- the "Father." Beckmesser (a personification of the castrating father imago) represents the son’s image of the father during the Oedipal period (“messer,” i.e., “knife,” suggests castration), while Sachs (a personification of the pre-Oedipal idealized father imago) represents a later, more mature image of the father as mentor. The disparate roles of Sachs and Beckmesser undoubtedly reflect the dual and conflicted image of the father in Wagner’s unconscious.

(The idealized father figure who first discerns the unique talents of a symbolic son and promotes his entry into a specialized community of brothers [here represented by the Mastersinger guild], and protects that son from the machinations of castrating father representatives, form a complex of identity elements that find antithetical expression in Hugo’s novel, Les Miserables. In Hugo’s novel, the police inspector Javert, a castrating father representative, first identifies the upstanding Maledeine as the escaped convict Valjean, and seeks Valjean’s return to prison, itself a kind of “specialized community of brothers,” despite the best efforts of Valjean’s protectors. See conclusion of paragraph 13.)


  1. Keep in mind, these writings are supposed to support the proposition that I am mentally disabled and unfit for employment.

  2. June 14, 1993
    3801 Connecticut Ave., NW
    Washington, DC 20008

    Paul G. Yessler, MD
    2501 Calvert Street, NW
    Suite 101
    Washington, DC 20008

    RE: Social Security Disability Psychiatric Evaluation

    Dear Dr. Yessler:

    Enclosed with respect to the above-referenced matter is a collection of letters I wrote and sent (by mail or fax) to my sister after my job termination on October 29, 1991 and before the filing of a disability claim with the Social Security Administration. Most of the letters were in fact written and sent in the year 1992.

    I wrote the letters under the influence of my belief that my sister was in communication with my former employer, Akin Gump, and that my sister, upon receipt of the letters, would transmit the letters by fax communication back to managers of Akin Gump.

    Both the writing and sending of the letters together with the content of the letters establish the persistence of seemingly paranoid ideation throughout the period beginning October 29, 1991. The letters deal, among other issues, with my concerns regarding harassment by Akin Gump co-workers; harassing (and anti-Semitic) telephone calls I received during 1991 and 1992; my belief that various of my treating psychiatrists were in communication with my former employer; the belief that librarians at the Cleveland Park Public Library (referred to as "the Club") harassed me; my belief that a clerk at a Giant Supermarket in my neighborhood (Adam) harassed me concerning my friendship with Craig Dye; my belief that a specialist at the Brookings Institution (Stephen Hess) was in communication with my former employer; the belief that it was not a mere accident that my former supervisor, Christine Robertson, had me touch her breasts, etc.

    Please forward these materials to:

    Ms. Fay Peterson
    District of Columbia
    Rehabilitation Services Administration
    Disability Determination Division
    P.O. Box 37608
    Washington, DC 20013

    If you have any questions, you may contact me at (xxx) xxx-xxxx (or leave messages at xxx xxx-xxxx). Might I suggest a follow-up evaluation consult?

    You may contact my sister, Mrs. Estelle Jacobson, at (609) 727-3295.

    Thank you very much.

    Sincerely ,

    Gary Freedman

    The above cover letter transmitted a document production of approximately 185 pages. The document production is presumably on file at the Social Security Administration. The produced documents were presumably a significant factor in Social Security's disability determination of August 1993.
