Thursday, January 07, 2010

Nobody Listens: They All Think I'm Nuts -- And That's Good For Business!

February 17, 1997
3801 Connecticut Ave., NW #136
Washington, DC 20008-4530

Comm'n on Mental Health Services
Washington, DC 20032

RE: Patient no. xxxxxx - Fee Payment

Dear Sir:

Enclosed is payment in the amount of $35.00 per patient statement dated 02/02/97.

I understand that payment and satisfaction of the claim will be made in part from Federal and State funds, and that any false claims, statements, or documents, or concealment of a material fact, may be prosecuted under applicable Federal or State Laws, wherefore I state the following:

It is my belief that my psychiatric records on file at the George Washington University Medical Center Department of Psychiatry ("Medical Center") relating to my psychiatric treatment during the period September 1992 until June 30, 1996 may contain misrepresentations by Medical Center personnel concerning my mental condition, and that said possible misrepresentations might be interpreted by Federal and State authorities as elements of acts in furtherance of the crimes of fraud, conspiracy, and racketeering.

I do not know whether or to what extent my treatment history at the Medical Center serves as the basis of the determination by the D.C. Department of Human Services that the present services to be billed to the U.S. Social Security Administration were medically indicated and necessary for my health.

I have duly reported to federal authorities all pertinent facts in my possession relating to said possible misrepresentations. All information I have provided to Federal and State authorities and to health care providers relating to my mental condition and financial status has been true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I offer no opinion whatsoever as to whether any statement by any Medical Center personnel contained in my medical records is in fact a misrepresentation that constitutes an element of any crime, and I am not competent to do so.


Gary Freedman

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