Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Civil Rights Commission -- Job Search

September 26, 1997
3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW #136
Washington, DC 20008-4530

Hon. Marion F. Berry
U.S. Civil Rights Commission
624 9th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20425

RE: Employment Opportunities - Office of General Counsel

Dear Chairman Berry:

I am an attorney, and am licensed to practice in Pennsylvania. I qualify for employment as an attorney in the Office of General Counsel of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission.

I am writing to inquire about present and anticipated employment opportunities for lawyers in the Office of General Counsel, as well as any information pertinent to the specific hiring procedures of the Office. Any information you can provide will be useful to me.

Incidentally, I believe I have a duty to advise you of the following facts about my background.

During the period March 1988 to October 1991 I was employed as a legal assistant in the Washington, DC office of the law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld ("Akin Gump"). Attorney managers at Akin Gump terminated my employment effective October 29, 1991 upon determining, in consultation with a psychiatrist, that a complaint of harassment I had lodged against several co-workers was attributable to a psychiatric symptom ("ideas of reference") prominent in the psychotic disorders and typically associated with a risk of violent behavior. See Freedman v. D.C. Dept. of Human Rights, D.C. Superior Court no. MPA 95-14 (final order issued June 10, 1996). In the period immediately after my job termination senior Akin Gump managers determined that it was advisable to secure the office of my direct supervisor against a possible homicidal assault, which it was feared I might commit. Freedman v. D.C. Dept. of Human Rights, D.C. Superior Court no. MPA 95-14, Record on Appeal at 41.

In pleadings filed in the District of Columbia Superior Court in May 1996, the District of Columbia Office of Corporation Counsel (Charles F.C. Ruff, Esq.) affirmed that Akin Gump personnel had genuine concerns that I might have had plans to procure firearms for an unlawful purpose and possessed the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm or commit murder. Mr. Ruff currently serves as chief White House Counsel to President Clinton (tel: 202 456 1414).

The Federal Protective Service (Jerry McGill, S.A., tel: 202 690-9315) advised me on August 13, 1997 that the Service does not consider me armed and dangerous, notwithstanding pleadings filed in the D.C. Court of Appeals (no. 96-CV-961) on July 25, 1997 by the D.C. Office of Corporation Counsel (Charles L. Reischel, Esq., Deputy Corporation Counsel) affirming that concerns that I was armed and dangerous that arose during my tenure at Akin Gump were genuine. The determination made by the Federal Protective Service that I am not currently armed and dangerous was an informed one, based on information currently available. See letter dated August 12, 1997 from Gary Freedman to Jerry McGill, S.A. (copy attached).

I have been under investigation by the U.S. Secret Service as a potential security risk to President Clinton, and was interrogated at the Washington Field Office by Special Agent Philip C. Leadroot (tel: 202 435-5100) as recently as February 1996, about 18 months ago. Questioning by Mr. Leadroot centered on the issue of presidential assassination. During one of my meetings with Mr. Leadroot, he encouraged me to seek employment, and expressly told me that I need to engage actively in a job search. My present job inquiry to you is consistent with the express direction of a special agent of the U.S. Secret Service.

The enclosed computer disk contains two documents that I prepared under the influence of my illness which, according to the Government of the District of Columbia, is credibly associated with a risk of violent conduct and credibly arouses in others fears that I may be armed and homicidal.

I believe that the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, as a prospective employer, has a right to review the documents.

Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.


Gary Freedman, Esq.


December 20, 1997
3801 Connecticut Avenue, NW #136
Washington, DC 20008-4530

Hon. Mary F. Berry
U.S. Civil Rights Commission
624 9th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20425

RE: Employment Opportunities - Office of General Counsel

Dear Chairwoman Berry:

Further to my employment inquiry to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission dated September 26, 1997, I forward a letter dated December 16, 1997 that I wrote and sent to Deputy D.C. Corporation Counsel Charles L. Reischel, Esq. together with several related letters.

The content of the letter addressed to Mr. Reischel dated December 16, 1997 will serve to discharge my duty of care to the Commission, in the event of my future employment with the Commission, arising out of concerns relating to my mental health and stability (including the risk of violence): concerns placed at issue by the law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, my former employer, and affirmed as genuine and nonpretextual by the District of Columbia Office of Corporation Counsel, a state agency.

The referenced case (Freedman v. D.C. Dept. Human Rights, no. 96-CV-961) was argued before associate judges Terry, Reid, and King of the D.C. Court of Appeals on December 16, 1997.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Gary Freedman

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