Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Days As A Law Clerk

Years ago, it looked like I was headed toward a promising career in the law. But then, on October 29, 1991 -- suddenly, last century, to paraphrase Tennessee Williams -- I succumbed to severe mental illness that rendered me not suitable for employment. I've been disabled for the last 18 years. My life has certainly taken a strange turn.

Here's a letter that my supervising attorney, Stephen F. Ritner, Esq., wrote as a recommendation years ago when I worked as a law clerk in Mr. Ritner's law firm:

Sagot & Jennings
1300 Two Penn Center Plaza
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(215) 241-8160

RE: Recommendation of Gary Freedman


Gary Freedman has been employed as a Law Clerk by the firm of Sagot & Jennings since May 1981. During his employment, I have served as his Supervising Attorney and have reviewed virtually all his work.

Gary was originally hired to work only during the summer of 1981. However his work product was so superior to other law clerks who have worked for this firm, that it was the consensus of all the Attorneys for whom Gary had produced legal research and writing that he be hired on a part-time basis while completing his education.

I personally have found that Gary posseses the necessary ability to become a lawyer of substantial quality. He is capable of synthesizing legal issues, completing in-depth legal research on a variety of subjects, and writing with clarity and persuasiveness. He also understands that it is necessary to pay attention to details and has consistently exhibited such an ability.

Under my direction, Gary has also been involved, in a capacity as a paralegal, with assisting individual clients with a variety of legal problems. He has shown an ability to speak with individual clients and he has exhibited the necessary zeal in representing them in their particular matters.

Gary has been a significant asset to our firm and I personally recommend him for a position as an Attorney in any agency, firm, or corporation of his choice.

[second page of letter missing]


Stephen F. Ritner, Esq.

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