Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Did You Ever Wonder Who Created The Millon Personality Inventory?

Well, here's your man:

Theodore Millon, Ph.D., D. Sc., (born 1928) is an American psychologist, the only child of immigrant Jewish parents from Lithuania and Poland. Receiving degrees from both American and European universities, he headed Allentown State Hospital, a large Pennsylvania mental hospital for some 15 years. Shortly thereafter he became the founding editor of the Journal of Personality Disorders and the inaugural president of the International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders and a full professor at Harvard Medical School and the University of Miami.

A leading researcher and theorist, Millon has been referred to in international circles as the grandfather of personology and personality disorders.

In 2008, Millon was awarded the Gold Medal Award For Life Achievement in the Application of Psychology by the American Psychological Association.

The American Psychological Foundation presents an award named after Millon, known as the "Theodore Millon Award in Personality Psychology," to honor outstanding psychologists engaged in "advancing the science of personality psychology including the areas of personology, personality theory, personality disorders, and personality measurement."

Millon's 19th-century ancestors came from the town of Valozhyn, then a part of the Russian Empire.

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