Thursday, October 04, 2007

How I Long To Die! To Lose Myself In Oblivion!

In every garment, I suppose I'm bound to feel the misery of earth's constricted life. I am too old for mere amusement and still too young to be without desire. What has the world to offer me?

You must renounce! Renounce your wishes! This is the never-ending litany which every man hears ringing in his ears, which every hour hoarsely tolls throughout the livelong day.

I awake with horror in the morning, and bitter tears well up in me when I must face each day that in its course cannot fulfill a single wish, not one!

The very intimations of delight are shattered by the carpings of the day which foil the inventions of my eager soul with a thousand grimaces of life. And when night begins to fall I timidly recline upon my cot, and even then I seek in vain for rest; savage dreams come on to terrorize.

The god that lives within my bosom can deeply stir my inmost core; enthroned above my human powers, He cannot move a single outward thing. And so, to be is nothing but a burden; my life is odious and I long to die.


  1. Like, I could fulfill a wish, just one, especially if it were an easy one, like if you wished that you got another comment on this post, I could do that for you, oh, look, I already did, how did it feel?

    Okay, let's go with the classic - you have three wishes. I just wrote and fulfilled one. That leaves you two more. What are they?

  2. don't worry man, we're working up a plan.

  3. Message for Bill Clinton -- Let's get together at MacDonalds sometime.

  4. Really starting to get worried about You... Don't think I will be coming back to this Blog as U upset me.
